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Research projects

RISC Software GmbH supports you in the implementation of your research projects. Here you can find some selected completed and ongoing projects.

EU Projects

Project-NameRuntimeFramework programmeShort descriptionLink
IAM4RAIL 01/2023-07/2026 HorizonData-driven mixed traffic and high-speed switchesCORDISLogistics Informatics
PlatformZERO01/2023-12/2026HorizonEntwicklung einer holistischen, modularen in-line Prozessüberwachungs-und Kontrolllösung für die Photovoltaik-Industrie der dritten Generation.CORDISLogistics Informatics
MetaFacturing01/2023-12/2025 HorizonEntwicklung eines breit anwendbaren Frameworks für Prozesseinrichtung und –steuerung CORDISLogistics Informatics
GRAPES12/2019-11/2023H2020Learning, processing and optimising shapesGRAPES WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
SAGEX09/2018-08/2022H2020Consortium that combines international researchers in the research area of scattering amplitudes with world-leading industrial partners.SAGEX WebsiteMedical Informatics
OptiMACS05/2018-04/2022H2020European Industrial Doctorate for efficient multidisciplinary design and optimization of multifunctional aerospace composite structures.CORDIS OptiMACS WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
BOOST 4.001/2018-12/2020H2020The largest European Big Data for Industry 4.0 initiative Joining forces towards an European Industrial Data SpaceCORDIS Project WebsiteLogistics Informatics
SenseBurn08/2017-08/2021FFG (Eurostars)Non-invasive diagnostic tool for analysis of depth and area of burn injuriesEurostars WebsiteSenseBurn Projekt WebseiteMedical Informatics
InnoHPC01/2017-06/2019 interregInnoHPC project is a pioneering effort to improve framework conditions for innovation by providing unique institutional and technological infrastructure, designed specifically to pool and exploit HPC infrastructure on a transnational level. Interreg Webseite INNOHPCIndustrial Software Applications
HiggsTools 01/2014–12/2017 FP7The Higgs quest – exploring electroweak symmetry breaking at the LHC CORDISRISC
PRACE-4IP 02/2015-05/2017 H2020 PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project CORDISIndustrial Software Applications
ARCADES01/2016-01/2020 H2020Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes CORDISIndustrial Software Applications
Mr.SymBioMath 02/2013-01/2017 FP-7 High Performance, Cloud and Symbolic Computing in Big-Data problems applied to mathematical modeling of Comparative Genomics CORDISRISC
PRACE-3IP 07/2012-06/2016 FP-7 PRACE – Third Implementation Phase Project CORDISIndustrial Software Applications
LHCPHENONET01/2011-12/2014 FP-7 Advanced Particle Phenomenology in the LHC era CORDISRISC
PLATO-N 10/2006-12/2009 FP-6 A Platform for Topology Optimisation incorporating Novel, Large-Scale, Free Material Optimisation and Mixed Integer Programming Methods CORDISIndustrial Software Applications

Nationwide Projects

Project-NameRuntimeFramework programmeShort descriptionLink
HEART09/2024 – 08/2025Expedition Zukunft – START – 3. AusschreibungHealthcare Enhancement through Artificial Intelligence for Volume ReplacementFFG WebsiteMedical Informatics
QML4Med05/2024 – 04/2025Expedition Zukunft: Start, 2. Ausschreibung – FFGExploring the potential of quantum machine learning for personalized medical use casesFFG WebsiteMedical Informatics
DiTwin10/2023-09/2026FFG Mobilitätssystem, Mobilitätssystem, Mobilität 2023: DACH VerkehrsinfrastrukturIntegrated recording, innovative forecasting and intuitive mapping of the condition of roads in a digital twinFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
AIMS10/2023 – 09/2026FFG Digitale Technologien 2022Artificial Intelligence based Monitoring and early warning for patient SafetyMedical Informatics
Opt1mus03/2023-02/2026Production und Material 2022Development of a flexible cyber-physical system using horizontal continuous casting as an example.Logistics Informatics
FLOWgoesS2T03/2022-12/2022FFGAutomated, AI-based integration of voice messages in the editorial workflow of a traffic newsroomLogistics Informatics
nARvibrain11/2022-10/2025KT der Zukunft, 10th call 2021 (FFG) Augmented Reality supported Functional Brain Mapping for Navigated Surgery Preparation and Education FFG WebsiteMedical Informatics
OMES 4 Smart Factory07/2022-07/2023FFGDevelopment of adequate, practicable solution concepts for very large tasks of detailed production planning with numerous, complex secondary conditions / restrictionsLogistics Informatics
RegioLog06/2022-11/2023SKU Collaboration ProjectDigitization of regional B2B logistics, ensuring traceability and quality of food along the value chain, and consideration of the carbon footprint from production to retail or food service.LebensmittelclusterLogistics Informatics
NEEED05/2022-11/2023FFGDevelopment of an intelligent algorithm that provides personalized news based on user's behaviorLogistics Informatics
SafeSign03/2020-08/2021 Ideen Lab4.0 - Ausschreibung 2019 The project investigates to what extent disturbances in current deep learning based number plate classification systems contribute to misclassifications.FFG WebsiteMedical Informatics
bootcamp_datasecurity11/2019-10/2021 FFG Digital Pro Bootcamps The project promotes intensive, specialised IT qualification measures. During nine weeks in the boot camp, selected participants learn new IT methods and are trained as digital professionals for their companies.FFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
PRM 4.004/2019-09/2022FFG Mobilität der ZukunftDevelopment of an integrated model-based condition monitoring and prediction system for track and rolling stockLogistics Informatics
vizARd11/2018-04/2021FFG IKT der ZukunftVisual Augmented Reality Assistant for Spatial MappingFFG WebsiteMedical Informatics
InnoFIT06/2018-02/2022FFG Produktion der ZukunftInnovative forecast and demand adjustment through the use of sales data from new information technologiesFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
ProKapa10/2017-9/2019FFG and BMVITDynamisches prognosegestütztes Kapazitätsmanagement zur Umsetzung von Rahmenbedingungen des Physical Internet.FFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
FlashCheck02/2017-01/2020 FFG (e!MISSION)Arc detection in DC networks - control-oriented identification with compressed symbolic symbolic classificationFFG WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
NeuroAssistCoin 11/2016-10/2018 FFG (COIN)Decision support aid for the treatment and diagnosis of neurological disordersFFG WebsiteMedical Informatics
Atropine12/2015-05/2018 FFGFast Track to the Physical Internet YouTube VideoLogistics Informatics
SIAM10/2015-09/2017 FFGSeamless Interoperability of Assistive Modules in the Digital Factory FFG WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
RTM-O10/2015-10/2016 FFGRail Transport Mobility OptimizationFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
IPPO09/2015-08/2017 FFG intelligent networking of forecasting, planning and optimization for designing sustainable transport chainsFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
SmaPro10/2014-05/2016 FFG Smart Production - machine data analysis and interpretation in productionFFG WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
HOPL05/2014-04/2018 FFG Heuristic Optimization in Production and Logistics FFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
LogicGuard II 07/2014-03/2017 FFG Optimized verification of time-quantified logical formulas with computer security applicationsFODOK JKURISC
KoLaMBra 09/2013-08/2015 FFGDevelopment of an integrated organizational concept for a cooperative load-Mile branch logisticsFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
TRIUMPH II 10/2013-10/2016 FFGTrimodal transshipment port II - Efficient flow through digital networkingFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
food4all@home09/2013-06/2015 FFGNationwide home delivery of everyday goodsFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
PIPES-VS-DAMS 03/2012-10/2012 FFG Privacy Preserving Visual Dynamic Network Analysis for Advanced System Monitoring on Multiple Scales Project WebsiteRISC
LeWaDis07/2010-10/2012FFGAlgorithm-based partial automation of the disposition of empty rail freight carsFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
iWAVE+ 03/2010-03/2012 FFG Integrated freight car shipping planning and controlFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics
time4trucks 02/2009-05/2011 FFG Cooperative timing of road freight traffic to avoid traffic peaks, traffic jams and congestion costsFFG WebsiteLogistics Informatics

Regional Projects

Projekt-NameRuntimeFramework programmeShort descriptionLink
MIMAS01/2018 - 12/2021Land OÖMedical Image Processing, Modeling and Simulation-Medical Informatics
TraceMe09/2022-08/2025Digital Transformation (Land OÖ) Requirements-driven digital Transformation Competences in Mechanical and Plant EngineeringFFG WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
NeoKE05/2021 - 09/2022Land OÖNetwork of Knowledge EnginesIndustrial Software Applications
Secure Prescriptive Analytics05/2022 - 11/2023Land OÖModellierung und Optimierung realer, industrieller Systeme durch secure prescriptive AnalyticsLogistics Informatics
MIMAS.ai01/2022 - 12/2025Land OÖMedical Image Processing, Modeling and Simultation based on Artificial Intelligence Medical Informatics
ResiNET01/2021 - 09/2022Land OÖ (EFRE REACT-EU)Resilienzsteigerung in EnergienetzenLogistics Informatics
MEDUSA07/2019-06/2023Land OÖ, Leitprojekt "Medizintechnik"Medical EDUcation in Surgical Aneurysm clippingMedical Informatics
EVIS.AT ITSUA201/2019-06/2022Land OÖ / Kli:EnReal-time traffic information road - AustriaEVIS ProjektwebseiteLogistics Informatics
MC312/2018-11/2022FTI Land OÖMedical Cognitive Computing CenterMedical Informatics
LisiGoesDigital10/2016-03/2019Land OÖImproved and individualized traffic information and prognosis for car drivers in Upper Austria via croud-sourcing.Logistics Informatics
momentum10/2016-03/2019 Land OÖ (EFRE) Development of new methods for real-time capable geometric modeling and visualization of solids.Industrial Software Applications
iTPP 4.009/2016-08/2018 Land OÖ (FFG) Generation of a comprehensive data pool via the mechatronic system Weiche with the aid of complex sensor networks.Logistics Informatics
EndoPredictor09/2015-02/2018 Land OÖ (FFG) Prediction system for complications after endovascular aortic repair due to geometric-biomechanical dataMedical Informatics
DigiMont12/2014-11/2017 Land OÖ (FFG) Digital assembly with regard to planning, control and optimization of the assembly process in "lot size 1"Logistics Informatics
DynComp 04/2015-04/2017 Land OÖ (FFG) Dimensioning and testing of dynamically highly loaded composite components for aircraft structuresIndustrial Software Applications
TourGuide10/2015-09/2018 Land OÖ Personalized medicine through navigation system for the collection and analysis of complex clinical dataMedical Informatics
SmartFleet+ 04/2014-04/2017 Land OÖ SmartFleet LivingLab Logistics Informatics
EVIS.AT 01/2015-12/2018 Land OÖ Real time traffic information road - AustriaEVIS ProjektwebsiteLogistics Informatics
Engrave12/2013-12/2014 regio13New, massively parallel computation method for the efficient simulation of modeling processes. Regio13 WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
Enlight07/2011-11/2013regio13Interactive visualization of machining processes by complex geometry models using highly parallelized algorithms. Regio13 WebsiteIndustrial Software Applications
VPA 4.010/2017-06/2019Land OÖImproved and individualized traffic information and prognosis for car drivers in Upper Austria via croud-sourcing.Logistics Informatics


    Contact person

    Cand. Scient. Christina Hochleitner, MSc

    Research Coordinator