We, the employees of RISC Software GmbH, are committed to economic, ecological and social sustainability. We understand this to mean taking responsibility for people, nature and the environment – today and in the future. We are committed to the careful use of resources. Our goal is economic efficiency under conditions that are as environmentally and climate friendly as possible. In our daily lives, we try to comply with our applicable basic principles of sustainability and to take them into account where this is possible from a business perspective.
Social sustainability: Responsibility for our team
We take responsibility for our employees. We look at generational diversity, social justice, equal opportunities and care for the health and safety of our team. We offer our employees flexible working time models and pay attention to a family-friendly culture. In the spirit of lifelong learning, we invest in the education of our employees. We promote solidarity structures and invest in the identification of our employees with our company. Integration, equality and diversity are part of our corporate culture. We want to give all employees the freedom to shape their own lives, as well as opportunities for further development and room for self-realization.
Economic sustainability: for a sustainable economy
Economic stability is our focus. We pay attention to a responsible handling of resources, with the knowledge relevant to the company and the experience gained. Quality is our top priority. Regional networking and good dialog with customers and cooperation partners are our investment in long-term and stable corporate management. A stable partner and customer network is just as important to us as the dialog with business and research. In doing so, we rely on a regional anchoring in the Software Park Hagenberg, in the research region Upper Austria as well as on internationalization – where it makes sense. We are in constant dialog with our customers and the research world in order to create technology transfer in the form of beneficial applications.
Ecological sustainability: Responsibility for nature and the environment
The best way to avoid over-consuming resources is to not use them in the first place. Where we can, we don’t consume in the first place, but save: We save paper and print only what is really needed. We save electricity by unplugging unneeded equipment, turning off lights when leaving the office. We save travel: business trips only when necessary and enable home offices for our employees.
If it is not possible to save something, we can try to use or reuse resources as efficiently as possible: We have reusable packaging instead of disposable, refurbished hardware where possible, and paper is reused as notes.
Where it is not possible to avoid using resources, we try to put them into the recycling loop. Throughout the company, we attach importance to waste separation. What cannot be disposed of by conventional waste separation is disposed of responsibly by separate waste disposal.
We attach importance to regional purchasing – be it the apple in the kitchen or the long-standing supplier partner. We encourage our employees to reach their workplace in the most CO2-friendly way possible. In addition to home office and flexitime without core hours, we offer our employees special incentives to come to the office by public transport, bicycle, on foot or in car pools.