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Pioneer now.

We digitize your company’s success.

Whether AI, symbolic computing or digital twins, simulation or optimisation – RISC Software develops software products that you can rely on. Today and in the future. We have experience with the future. We are pioneers in the broad field of Approved Applied Algorithmic Intelligence, having embarked on this path more than 30 years ago. Our RISC Institute moved from the JKU campus to Hagenberg Castle in 1989. This was the starting point of a development that ultimately turned the tranquil town in the Mühlviertel region into the digital epicentre of the entire country. We like to look back on this, but we like to look forward even more. We are among the European leaders in applied research and product development, from industry to medicine. This is one of the reasons why we attract young, talented IT experts. We need them too, because there are many challenges, especially in your sector. We are ready and will accompany you on your way.

Wolfgang Freiseisen

CEO RISC Software GmbH

Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. h.c.mult. Bruno Buchberger

Founder RISC (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation) and RISC Software GmbH

Univ. Prof. Dr. Carsten Schneider

Chairman RISC

Approved Applied Algorithmic Intelligence – Success that lasts

When it comes to artificial intelligence, we think ahead. Approved Applied Algorithmic Intelligence is not just a buzzword for us, but a promise:

Based on human intelligence, we combine machine learning with symbolic computing and create well-founded AI solutions that offer real added value. This is what we mean by ‘Algorithmic Intelligence’.

Our intelligence is ‘Applied’ – that means our focus is on solving practical challenges that really help our customers move forward. With every project, we work on applications for a market that are immediately effective and at the same time fit seamlessly into existing systems.

And ‘Approved’? That’s our commitment to sustainability. Our solutions are not only effective, but also developed to be long-lasting, easy to maintain and able to grow with our customers’ requirements. This means that your company will still have its finger on the pulse tomorrow. Approved Applied Algorithmic Intelligence – digital progress that not only works today, but also in the future.


80 Employees

  • 31 % female
  • 69 % male
  • 81 % thereof in R&D
  • from 10 countries

7.4 Million EUR operating revenue*

~25% thereof with funding
* 2023

approx. 25 Publications

70 Projects

thereof 29 % with funding,
42 in Upper Austria, 20 in Austria, 8 EU, 8 worldwide

52 Participations

in round tables, platforms, opinion boards,
thereof 38 % international

131 Cooperation partners

  • thereof 90 corporate partners and
  • 41 scientific partners,
  • 65 in Upper Austria,
  • 25 Austria,
  • 37 EU,
  • 4 worldwide


Artificial Intelligence

RISC Software GmbH is owned 80% by the Johannes Kepler University Linz and 20 % by Upper Austrian Research GmbH (state of Upper Austria). The Supervisory Board of RISC Software GmbH is composed as follows:

Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mag.a Christiane Tusek

Johannes Kepler University Linz
Vice-rector for finances

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Mag. Philipp Kienbauer

Upper Austrian Research GmbH
Chief Financial Officer

Member of the Supervisory Board
Univ. Prof. Dr. Carsten Schneider

Johannes Kepler University Linz
Chairman RISC Institute

RISC Institut

Our Milestones

Zeitpunkt 1989 Zeitlinie

Foundation of a Software Development Working Group as part of the RISC.

Zeitpunkt 1992 Zeitlinie

Founding under the name “Gödel School” Softwareentwicklung & Systemtechnik Gesellschaft mbH by Bruno Buchberger.

Zeitpunkt 1995 Zeitlinie

RISC Software GmbH specializes in software for logistics and production planning.

Zeitpunkt 2000 Zeitlinie

Launch of the cooperation with DS Automotion in the field of driverless transport systems. RISC Software GmbH has 6 employees.

Zeitpunkt 2001 Zeitlinie

DI Wolfgang Freiseisen becomes Managing Director.

Zeitpunkt 2003 Zeitlinie

The cooperation between Airbus and RISC Software GmbH starts.

Zeitpunkt 2004 Zeitlinie

RISC Software becomes a sub­sidiary of JKU Linz.

Zeitpunkt 2005 Zeitlinie

RISC Software wins the 3rd place at the Leonardo Award with the project “Crash Guard”, developed for WFL Millturn Technologies.

Zeitpunkt 2006 Zeitlinie

RISC Software starts participation in the first EU project named PLATO-N.

RISC Software wins the ebiz egovernment award OÖ 2006 with the project “PISA” (IT System for Winter Services).

Zeitpunkt 2008 Zeitlinie

The Unit Logistics Informatics wins the multimedia & e-business STATEPRIZE 2008 in the category: e-commerce and customer loyalty for Post.Versandmanmanager.Pro. Integration of Research Unit Medical Informatics and the involvement of Upper Austrian Research GmbH with 20%.

Zeitpunkt 2009 Zeitlinie

The Unit Medical Informatics wins the Dr. Wolfgang Houska Prize with the project “SEE-KID”.

RISC Software wins the Genderaward from the BMVIT with the project “iWAVE” (Integrated Waggon Shipping Planning and Control).

Zeitpunkt 2010 Zeitlinie

RISC Software GmbH is a founding member of the Austrian Center of Scientific Computing.

Zeitpunkt 2011 Zeitlinie

The Unit Medical Informatics wins the GC Genius Award in the category of Research & Development with the project “YAMM”.

Zeitpunkt 2012 Zeitlinie

Research Unit Medical Informatics wins MEDVIS 3D State Prize for Innovation for MEDVIS 3D. Start of the project ITS Austria West. RISC software has over 50 employees.

The Unit Logistics Informatics wins the 2012 Best of Initiative Mittelstand Award with the product “easy2sim”.

Zeitpunkt 2013 Zeitlinie

The Unit Advanced Computing Technologies launches EU project: MrSymBioMath.

The Unit Logistics Informatics wins the elogistics Award with the project “Magna Logistics Planning Tool”.

Zeitpunkt 2015 Zeitlinie

The “food4all @ home” research project of the Unit Logistics Informatics wins Spring Award of bmvit.

Zeitpunkt 2016 Zeitlinie

With Virtual Aneurysm, the Research Unit Medical Informatics wins the State Prize for Innovations of the State of Upper Austria for the most radical innovation.

The Unit Logistics Informatics wins the Austrian Logistics Prize from the Network Logistics Association (VNL) with the project “Food4all@home”.

Zeitpunkt 2017 Zeitlinie

RISC Software GmbH is the lead developer of the AI strategy for the State of Upper Austria. RISC celebrates Anniversary: 30 Years RISC Institute and 25 Years RISC Software GmbH.

Zeitpunkt 2021 Zeitlinie

Foundation of Unit Domain-specific Applications

Zeitpunkt 2022 Zeitlinie

RISC Software GmbH celebrates its 30th anniversary during the Ars Electronica Festival at JKU Linz and wins the ALC Award (Austria’s Leading Companies).

Zeitpunkt 2023 Zeitlinie

The research department of Medical Informatics achieves second place in the State Prize for Innovations in the category of Research Institutions with the project “MEDUSA”.