Double success at AIAI 2023 in Spain
The team from RISC Software GmbH’s medical informatics research department came up trumps twice at the AIAI (“International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations”) conference in Spain:
- The first paper presented, titled Semi-supervised “Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Diffusion Models”, deals with annotation of medical images using Artificial Intelligence. The presentation was made by Ahmed Alshenoudy. Ahmed graduated from the master program “Artificial Intelligence” at JKU Linz. In cooperation with RISC he already worked on diffusion models for brain tumor segmentation in his master thesis. Title of his master thesis: “Few Shot Brain Tumour Segmentation using Diffusion Models”.
- The second presented paper “CaTabRa: Efficient Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Tabular Data” presented by Sophie Kaltenleithner was even awarded with the Best Paper Award.
About the conference AIAI 2023: 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations.
The conference took place from June 14 to 17 at the University of León, Spain. The conference on applications and innovations in artificial intelligence has been held regularly since 2005 and is internationally recognized by leading scientists in the field of artificial intelligence research.
Maletzky, A., Kaltenleithner, S., Moser, P., Giretzlehner, M. (2023). CaTabRa: Efficient Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Tabular Data. In: Maglogiannis, I., Iliadis, L., MacIntyre, J., Dominguez, M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 676. Springer, Cham.
Alshenoudy, A., Sabrowsky-Hirsch, B., Thumfart, S., Giretzlehner, M., Kobler, E. (2023). Semi-supervised Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Diffusion Models. In: Maglogiannis, I., Iliadis, L., MacIntyre, J., Dominguez, M. (eds) Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations. AIAI 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 675. Springer, Cham.
Contact person
Dr. Michael Giretzlehner
Head of Unit Medical Informatics