Forschungsprojekt TRAPH: Traffic Management and Information System
TRAPH aimed to design and prototype the data management of ASFiNAG’s new traffic management and information system 2.0.
As a motorist on Austria’s freeways and expressways, you are familiar with the situation: Why is the overhead indicator showing a speed limit of 60 km/h right now? In order to be able to answer such inquiries even for a point in time longer in the past – for example in the case of inquiries by the executive – ASFiNAG will support the efficient processing of such questions with a modern data management system.
For this purpose, the switching of overhead indicators must be traceable. For this purpose, the correlations between the sensor data recorded along the route and the switching decisions of the overhead indicators are stored in a database. Examples of situations that can trigger switching are the detection of the end of a traffic jam or wetness on the road, which can lead to a dynamic restriction of the permissible speed. Central questions are also which switching operations occur most frequently on certain sections of the freeways or which situations and measures lead to certain indications. Another use case is the evaluation of the local distribution of the circuits.
Furthermore, the understanding of the correlations between situations and measures is essential for the control and parameterization of the Traffic Management and Information System 2.0 (VMIS). Only by analyzing this data, ASFiNAG has the knowledge whether VMIS 2.0 works correctly and how to parameterize the automatic programs.
The traceability of the circuits on the overhead indicators on expressways and highways is only available for a short time.
Selected methodology
Due to scalability and planned integration into the system defined by ASFiNAG, the open source graph database JanusGraph was chosen for the implementation.
Using the selected graph database technology and based on the technical requirements, a suitable data model is created. A prototypical installation and configuration of the graph database as well as the import and storage of the relevant VMIS2 data from different data sources allows to map the relationships of the data and to provide them in a performant way.
With the implementation of TRAPH, the defined scenarios for the traceability of the circuits can be displayed on the overhead indicators.
Project partner
RISC Software GmbH won the FFG Transport Infrastructure Research 2019 tender due to its data engineering expertise as well as its experience in NoSQL databases and was commissioned with the selection and design of the database solution as well as the implementation of the data transfer.
The Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFiNAG) is owned by the Austrian federal government and is entrusted with the financing, planning, construction and maintenance of federal highways as well as the collection of time and mileage-based tolls.
This project was funded by the FFG (No. 879353).
Project partner
Project details
- Project short title: TRAPH
- Projectlong title: High Performance Traffic Management Information System
- Funding call: Mobilität der Zukunft (FFG)
- Project partner:
- Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFINAG)
- Budget volume (total): 168.000 EUR
- thereof subsidy (total): 168.000 EUR
- Duration: 6 Monate (09/2020-02/2021)
Project management
DI Paul Heinzlreiter
Senior Data Engineer