A company can be compared to a clockwork. In order for value to be generated, several cogwheels must mesh perfectly. In your company, these are your teams, which contribute along the value chain in order to generate value for your customers together in the end.
In practice, agile methods are usually applied in teams. This corresponds to the clockwork that individual cogwheels are correctly positioned. This does not result in the desired success. Only when the cogs fit together in the distance and in the ratio of their teeth, a reliable clockwork is created. In the same way, your teams must work in harmony with each other. Value is not created in local optimization, but rather in optimizing the way your teams work together.
We support you in thinking in a larger context and in redefining what is feasible for you.
We do not see ourselves as consultants who change your company with standard solutions and blueprints. We give you the tools you need to optimize your clockwork personally and individually. Take the opportunity today and inquire about our portfolio.
Successful change doesn’t happen through one brilliant big move. Rather, success is ensured by the continuity of many small steps whose results are measurable. For sustainable change to take place, we act according to Shu Ha Ri – a concept of Asian martial arts.
Initial meeting
In the free initial meeting, we discuss the current situation and find a suitable support concept.
Quick Scan – Quick Help
We look together at problems in the local context and seek out proven practices and solutions. A team should gain the time needed for continuous development.
Training and Workshop
The first stage provides theoretical know-how and practical experience. A team can learn best and good practices here and implement them independently with rules for the respective situation.
The trainings are individually adaptable, or individual questions are answered at any time during the training. addressed at any time.
Shu (abide, defend, follow) aims to lay a secure foundation for further development. This involves copying and following known and proven practices and patterns.
Individual Coaching
The second stage deliberately breaks down the rules from the first stage. Through conscious inspection and adaptation, methods and practices are adapted and combined in a solution-oriented way.
A team learns in the coaching sessions to what extent practices can be modified for its situation in order to create an optimal working environment.
At Ha (tear, break through) first patterns are broken. One learns which rules may be broken and adapted when by understanding the principles and theories behind them.
Coach the Coach
If a team develops its own methods and practices independently, it has reached the final stage.
Here we see ourselves as partners who give the team coaches security in their decisions through challenging questions and mentoring.
With Ri (to depart, to separate) one achieves mastery and develops one’s own practices and principles evolutionarily and creatively.
Transform your processes: Agile know-how for every level
We offer in-house workshops on the topic of agility. From team level to company level, from operational to strategic, we offer theoretical and, above all, practical know-how on how processes can be designed in knowledge work. Our aim is to provide you with the best possible thinking tool so that you can start your process transformation. We are not committed to presenting just one agile framework, but show how different frameworks can work together. For example, the SCRUM workshop also includes Kanban practices and vice versa.
The following workshop formats have already proven their worth many times – however, if you have specific requirements, we will be happy to provide you with an individual workshop program:
Introduction to agile project management
Basics of agile project management
Switching from classic to agile methods
Examples from practice
Dos and don’ts
Frameworks: Scrum and Kanban
Workshop: Kanban Essentials – Understanding and applying Kanban systems
Basics of Kanban systems in knowledge work
Increasing efficiency through flow and resource planning
Methods for process design and further development
Interactive and practice-oriented learning opportunity
Scrum Essentials – Understanding and Extending Scrum
Scrum basics and principles
Combination of methods
Interaction with Kanban & scaling options
Common pitfalls in sprints
Processes, values and rules for using Scrum successfully
Alternatively, we will be happy to put together an individual workshop program with the relevant contents for you.
Workshop: Introduction to agile project management
In this one-day workshop you will learn the basics of agile project management. We will illuminate with you how to switch from classic ways of working (e.g. waterfall, V-model, …) to agile methods. With examples from practice, our experienced agile coach will explain dos and don’ts with you and go into common frameworks like Scrum and Kanban. The main focus is on understanding agile principles and what they mean for practice.
The workshop is aimed at software developers and project managers as well as team and department managers who want to know where the added value of agile methods lies and where they can be optimally applied. The workshop is led by one of our certified and experienced coaches.
Since experience has shown that additional questions arise during the first days after the workshop, a one-hour online session will be scheduled during the workshop in which questions will be answered once again.
You will receive a confirmation of participation
Duration: 1 day or 8 units
Number of participants: minimum 4 to maximum 12 persons
Location: Online or RISC Software GmbH, Softwarepark 32a, 4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Dates: Inhouse Workshop – On request
Workshop: Kanban Essentials – Understanding and applying Kanban systems
In this one and a half day workshop you will learn the basics of kanban systems in knowledge work and how to apply them on a team level to achieve continuous and faster delivery. You will learn and experience what flow and resource efficiency means and get a method to help you design and develop a process with teams.
There will also be time for your individual questions related to your current work environment, or the workshop will include a practical part where you can work on your current issues.
The workshop is aimed at both managers and team members who want to actively introduce or improve system processes. Previous knowledge is not necessary. The workshop is led by one of our certified and experienced coaches.
You will receive a certificate of participation
You have the option to take an exam for a proof of success.
Duration: 2 days or 16 UE
Number of participants: minimum 4 to maximum 12 persons
Location: Online or RISC Software GmbH, Softwarepark 32a, 4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Dates: Inhouse Workshop – On request
Workshop: Scrum Essentials – Understanding and Extending Scrum
In this one and a half day workshop you will learn the basics of Scrum and which principles the practices follow. We will show you a complete sprint run and where common stumbling blocks are hidden. Together we will work out the processes, values and rules that make Scrum successful. The interaction with Kanban methods will be shown as well as an outlook on scaling possibilities (Scrum@Scale, LeSS, …).
There will also be time in the workshop for your individual questions related to your current work environment.
The workshop is aimed at managers as well as team members who want to actively introduce or improve system processes. Previous knowledge is not necessary. The workshop is led by one of our certified and experienced coaches.
You have the option to take an exam for proof of success.
You will receive a certificate of participation
You have the possibility to optionally take an exam for a proof of success.
Duration: 2 days or 16 units
Number of participants: minimum 4 to maximum 12 persons
Location: Online or RISC Software GmbH, Softwarepark 32a, 4232 Hagenberg, Austria
Dates: Inhouse Workshop – On request
Inhouse Workshop
We also conduct all our workshops as an in-house workshop for you. The topics can be specified as for the workshop or individually compiled to cover your specific issues. This workshop can be conducted in different locations – depending on your wishes.
Do you have any further questions? Please contact us!
Our certified coaches will be happy to answer your individual questions about workshop design, implementation periods and locations, and funding opportunities.
Contact Person
DI (FH) Andreas Lettner
Head of Unit Domain-specific Applications, HEad of Coaches