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Anna Gattinger: Job description software developer

Anna Gattinger studied Medical and Bioinformatics at Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences and works in the field of Logistics Informatics.

What kind of education do you have?

I graduated from the High School of the Franciscan Sisters in Vöcklabruck and then completed my bachelor’s degree in Medical and Bioinformatics at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg. This year I completed the master’s degree in biomedical informatics.

What made you decide to study engineering?

I have always been interested in technology and science, despite my rather music-oriented school career (music high school, provincial music school, music branch in AHS). When I was faced with the decision to study music or rather engineering, I realized that I had better career opportunities with the latter and that there was also a variety of interesting courses of study. And I could continue to pursue my musical activities on the side anyway.

How long have you been working at RISC Software GmbH?

In spring/summer 2013, I worked at RISC Software GmbH for five months while studying. After a research internship in the USA, I have been employed again since September 2014.

What are your responsibilities at RISC Software GmbH?

I work in the logistics department on software for automated guided vehicles. To familiarize myself with the project, I tested code and analyzed the data structures and algorithms behind it. This was a good starting point, because afterwards I was able to lend a hand myself and fix the errors found or add new functionality.

What do you like about your job?

You are confronted with new, exciting tasks and challenges every day. Sometimes the issues are very complex and it takes a while until a solution is satisfactory. But when you have achieved this, it is a great feeling. It actually hardly ever gets boring 🙂

Would you choose to study engineering again?


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